Install and configure a database and a webserver – Migrated to a new server 2 of 4

This is the second section in the 4 part series of migrating my server Install and configure the host machine Install and configure a database and webserver – we are here Install and configure a mailserver Install and configure vaultwarden Tie everything back to 1. for backups, misc, etc Dockerized services I will configure a database and a webserver(mainly wordpress container) to listen internally only and not exposed to the outside network. I will also configure a nginx-proxy and letsencrypt to provide the access from the world to the wordpress site and to generate the letsencrypt certificate. Wanted to note… Continue Reading


Linux basic install – Migrated to a new server 1 of 4

Migrated to a new server! For the past 20 years I been running various linux server to host my websites and mail. It evolved over time and the very last server was installed about 5 years ago. I decided that a new server was in order and decided to redesign some things and now here we are. Just some personal notes on how the new server is configured and setup. You can follow my steps or make changes but if you do anything thats better or noteworthy please let me know! This will be a multi-part article so that I… Continue Reading


ReadyMedia(miniDLNA) on CentOS7

I decided that I need a DLNA server on my network so that I can stream to my tablets/phones/smartTV’s with ease. I already have media PC’s at every TV however I wanted to test out the smart TV features on my TV. Unfortunately there are no known pre-builds of any light weight DLNA servers for CentOS7. I selected miniDLNA which is now called ReadyMedia. miniDLNA is a light weight DLNA compliant server and best of all it comes pre-compiled as a static binary which does not need anything else to run. Current version of miniDLNA at the time of writing… Continue Reading


Colourful ! systemd vs sysVinit Linux Cheatsheet

systemd is the new init system, started with Fedora and now started adopted in many distributions like redhat, suse and centos. This long period we all been using traditional SysV init scripts usually residing in /etc/rc.d/init.d/ directory. These scripts invokes daemon binary which will then forks a background process. Even though shell scripts very are flexible buts other tasks like supervising processes and parallized execution ordering will be very hard to implement. With the introduction of systemd new-style daemons which makes easier to supervise and control them at runtime and simplifies their implementation. systemctl command is a very good initiative… Continue Reading