deploy-eck update 1

OUTDATED – Please use this link for the new script and instructions https://www.gooksu.com/2022/09/new-elastic-kubernetes-script-deploy-elastick8s-sh/ I developed the deploy-eck.sh script to easily deploy the elastic stack in k8s to quickly test things. Did a quick update to the script. operator mode. Now you can run the script just to deploy the operator only and apply a trial license. You can develop your own test cases etc in this mode. If you work out of ~/eckstack and name your manifest files *.yaml when you run the deploy-eck.sh cleanup it will cleanup all of your items as well. > ./deploy-eck.sh cleanup ********** Cleaning up… Continue Reading


Elastic Fleet Server & elastic-agent common troubleshooting

Common troubleshooting items for any fleet & elastic-agent issues can be found on https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/fleet/current/fleet-troubleshooting.html however there are a few items that I would like to add. Whitespaces When you start the elastic-agent on an endpoint and even if you have everything configured for your elastic-agent, the right policy, integrations, etc however no data is going into elasticsearch. The most common issue is that there is something wrong with your fleet settings. This can be edited from kibana -> fleet -> settings. Either your ES endpoint / Fleet server endpoint / Advanced YAML settings are wrong or there might even be… Continue Reading