Updated deploy-elastic script – version 9

Last update to version 8 is listed here The original post for the deploy-elastic.sh script is here Changes: Starting 7.12.x added node.roles. es01 & es02 is tagged as data_content & data_hot and es03 is tagged as data_frozen. This will allow users to play with the frozen tier, configure searchable snapshots, partically mounted indices, restored indices, and more. (make sure to run the script with snapshot option so that minio is stood up) LDAP mode was added. To test various role_mappings and for basic ldap authentication configurations and settings LDAP mode was added and it will work with any versions of… Continue Reading


elasticsearch 8.x configure roles and users for stack monitoring

A lot of changes were made with elasticsearch 8.0 release but the main one that affected me the most was the ability to use the default elastic(superuser role) to access system indices. According to https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/release-highlights.html#_better_protection_for_system_indices we no longer have write access to system indices with the superuser role. When configuring stack monitoring using metricbeats this is an issue if you’ve been just using the elastic user to configure the monitoring. You can add allow_restricted_indices to the role to enable it back however its the lazy and insecure method. I’ve summarized the creation of roles and users for metricbeats and filebeats… Continue Reading