Enterprisesearch with elasticsearch in docker container

Enterprisesearch in docker container Previously, on this post I’ve created a script to deploy the elastic stack using docker containers. Enterprise search was released as of 7.7.0 and it provides both AppSearch and WorkplaceSearch into a single solution. deploy-elastic.sh script I’ve added the entsearch mode so that you can deploy the Enterprisesearch and use it for AppSearch and WorkplaceSearch. Simple run ./deploy-elastic.sh entsearch 7.15.1 The script will check to see if your stack is 7.15+ or else it will exit. Enterprisesearch will be stood up using a container named entsearch Enterprisesearch will listen on port 3002 (standard port) Enterprisesearch is… Continue Reading


Fleet server with elasticsearch in docker container

UPDATE – 3/30/2022: another 8.1.x update to automatically populate the CA trusted fingerprint and the Advanced YAML settings to add the generated ca.crt onto fleet for easier use – Please go to the bottom of the article for an explaination UPDATE: 8.1.0 release introduced some changes where the default policies are no longer created on default and you will need to manually create it. I will add the steps to the end of the document Fleet server in docker container Fleet & Fleet server was released as of 7.14.0 and it uses the elastic-agent as a single, unified way to… Continue Reading


Helm charts to install the Elastic Stack using minikube

On the previous post we used the minikube wrapper kube.sh to install ECK – Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes. ECK uses an operator that was created by Elastic to deploy and orchestrate the Elastic Stack in kubernetes. ECK is not the only way to install elasticsearch in kubernetes, you can also use Helm charts to install the Stack. What is the difference between an operator and helm charts? Helm Helm is a package management system for kubernetes. The packaging format is called charts. In OS terms its like rpm or deb packages. An application is packed into a package that can… Continue Reading


Elastic Cloud on kubernetes (ECK) on minikube

ECK is Elastic cloud on kubernetes – Kubernetes Operator pattern that extends basic kubernetes orchestration to easily deploy, secure, upgrade Elasticsearch and the rest of the stack such as kibana, logstash, various beats, and much more. In my previous article I wrote about my kube.sh script which is a wrapper that installs a minikube environment to run your kubernetes projects. We will use the wrapper to deploy our kubernetes environment and start deploying elasticsearch using ECK. The steps below are not limited to my minikube wrapper script but you can follow the same process for any kubernetes environment. Lets get… Continue Reading


Quickly deploy elasticsearch with docker

UPDATE: there is a new version that was released in March 2022 and you can read about it here I needed a way to quickly stand up various versions of elasticsearch for testing. Sometimes just 1 instance was needed and at other time a small cluster and configure it with TLS and security settings. I spent way too much time installing and reinstalling the software on my vm and knew that this will not work well for me. So I set out to look for a light weight, portable, fast, re-produce-able solution that I can quickly stand up and delete… Continue Reading