life with windows7

So I’ve slowly been transitioning from XP to Windows 7 and so far I must say that I like it!  its very smooth and fast as long as you have the cpu/memory to run it.  Some upgrades been done with the home PC’s and now my main workstation is win7.  its a HP pavillion with quad core and 6G of memory.  Initially I had problems with the nforce drivers where it will peg the cpu at 100% but with a downgrade of nforce drivers its been running smooth.


life updates

so again its been almost a year since my last post.  It seems that this blog only gets updated once a year lol.  Anyways its been a busy year for 2009.  Ethan’s been growing a bunch and I can tell that he will be a handfull.  We moved to a new house a much much bigger house but with much much bigger bills I think its oversized for our use and hope that the market will pick up soon so that we can turn it.  Lastly we had our second kid!! Her name is Heather and she is a beauty!!… Continue Reading



What to do when hpacucli is locked but there is no process for it # hpacucli HP Array Configuration Utility CLI Detecting Controllers… Error: Another instance of ACU is already running (possibly a service). Please terminate the ACU application before running the ACU CLI. # ps -ef | grep -i acu root     26127 11377  0 15:12 pts/3    00:00:00 grep -i acu goto /opt/compaq/cpqacuxe/bld/locks and remove all the files in that directory then run hpacucli


Installing Asian (CJK) fonts on customized/nLited XP installs

Performance freaks often resort to customized versions of Windows XP such as TinyXP made possible by tools such as NLite because these versions of customized windows help your computer to run faster. Unfortunately they sometimes also ship without features that might be essential to some of us, such as Korean language support. Heres a guide on how to re-enable korean or other East Asian language support for TinyXp or N-Lited versions of Windows. 1) Insert an original Windows XP cd in your cd drive, or mount the Windows XP iso that you have backed up into a virtual drive. 2)… Continue Reading


awk stuff

print all lines in a file that match some pattern awk ‘$0 ~ /pattern/ {print $0}’ awk ‘NR % 6’ # prints all lines except those divisible by 6 awk ‘NR > 5’ # prints from line 6 onwards (like tail -n +6, or sed ‘1,5d’) awk ‘$2 == “foo”‘ # prints lines where the second field is “foo” awk ‘NF >= 6’ # prints lines with 6 or more fields awk ‘/foo/ && /bar/’ # prints lines that match /foo/ and /bar/, in any order awk ‘/foo/ && !/bar/’ # prints lines that match /foo/ but not /bar/ awk… Continue Reading