Upgrading stack, fleet, elastic-agents in k8s running with ECK

Lets say you are running your elastic stack in k8s with ECK and you need to upgrade your environment, how would you do it and in what order?

  1. ECK operator
  2. elasticsearch
  3. kibana
  4. fleet-server
  5. elastic-agent

I will use my deploy-elastick8s.sh script to deploy a fleet deployment (elasticsearch + kibana + fleet server + elastic-agents running as daemonset). I will install ECK operator 2.7.0 and stack 8.6.2 and will upgrade to 8.7.0

> ./deploy-elastick8s.sh fleet 8.6.2 2.7.0
[DEBUG] jq found
[DEBUG] docker found & running
[DEBUG] kubectl found
[DEBUG] openssl found
[DEBUG] container image docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:8.6.2 is valid
[DEBUG] ECK 2.7.0 version validated.
[DEBUG] This might take a while.  In another window you can watch -n2 kubectl get all or kubectl get events -w to watch the stack being stood up

 ********** Deploying ECK 2.7.0 OPERATOR **************

[DEBUG] ECK 2.7.0 downloading crds: crds.yaml
[DEBUG] ECK 2.7.0 downloading operator: operator.yaml
⠏ [DEBUG] Checking on the operator to become ready.  If this does not finish in ~5 minutes something is wrong
                     NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
                     pod/elastic-operator-0   1/1     Running   0          3s

                     NAME                             TYPE        CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
                     service/elastic-webhook-server   ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP   3s

                     NAME                                READY   AGE
                     statefulset.apps/elastic-operator   1/1     3s
[DEBUG] ECK 2.7.0 Creating license.yaml
[DEBUG] ECK 2.7.0 Applying trial license

 ********** Deploying ECK 2.7.0 STACK 8.6.2 CLUSTER eck-lab **************

[DEBUG] ECK 2.7.0 STACK 8.6.2 CLUSTER eck-lab Creating elasticsearch.yaml
[DEBUG] ECK 2.7.0 STACK 8.6.2 CLUSTER eck-lab Starting elasticsearch cluster.

⠏ [DEBUG] Checking to ensure all readyReplicas(3) are ready for eck-lab-es-default.  IF this does not finish in ~5 minutes something is wrong
                     NAME                 READY   AGE
                     eck-lab-es-default   3/3     108s

[DEBUG] ECK 2.7.0 STACK 8.6.2 CLUSTER  eck-lab Creating kibana.yaml
[DEBUG] ECK 2.7.0 STACK 8.6.2 CLUSTER  eck-lab Starting kibana.

⠏ [DEBUG] Checking to ensure all readyReplicas(1) are ready for eck-lab-kb.  IF this does not finish in ~5 minutes something is wrong
                     NAME         READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
                     eck-lab-kb   1/1     1            1           52s

[DEBUG] Grabbed elastic password for eck-lab: l1AHAJHgFk278GkZz053484N
[DEBUG] Grabbed elasticsearch endpoint for  eck-lab:
[DEBUG] Grabbed kibana endpoint for eck-lab:

 ********** Deploying ECK 2.7.0 STACK 8.6.2 Fleet Server & elastic-agent **************

[DEBUG] Patching kibana to set fleet settings
[DEBUG] Sleeping for 60 seconds to wait for kibana to be updated with the patch
⠏ [DEBUG] Sleeping for 60 seconds waiting for kibana
[DEBUG] Creating fleet.yaml
[DEBUG] STACK VERSION: 8.6.2 Starting fleet-server & elastic-agents.
[DEBUG] Grabbing Fleet Server endpoint (external): https://<pending>:8220
[DEBUG] Grabbing Fleet Server endpoint (external):
[DEBUG] Waiting 30 seconds for fleet server to calm down to set the external output
[DEBUG] Setting Fleet Server URLs waiting for fleet server
[DEBUG] Setting Elasticsearch URL and CA Fingerprint
[DEBUG] Setting Fleet default output
[DEBUG] Output: external created.  You can use this output for elastic-agent from outside of k8s cluster.
[DEBUG] Please create a new agent policy using the external output if you want to use elastic-agent from outside of k8s cluster.
[DEBUG] Please use with --insecure to register your elastic-agent if you are coming from outside of k8s cluster.

[SUMMARY] ECK 2.7.0 STACK 8.6.2

                     NAME                                      READY   STATUS             RESTARTS      AGE
                     pod/eck-lab-es-default-0                  1/1     Running            0             5m25s
                     pod/eck-lab-es-default-1                  1/1     Running            0             5m25s
                     pod/eck-lab-es-default-2                  1/1     Running            0             5m25s
                     pod/eck-lab-kb-54598dc788-2ckzp           1/1     Running            0             2m48s
                     pod/elastic-agent-agent-6h9dp             0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   2 (17s ago)   81s
                     pod/elastic-agent-agent-d8d5b             1/1     Running            1 (53s ago)   81s
                     pod/elastic-agent-agent-lfrtr             0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   2 (22s ago)   81s
                     pod/fleet-server-agent-74c97f66cf-wgwxk   1/1     Running            0             74s

                     NAME                               TYPE           CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)          AGE
                     service/eck-lab-es-default         ClusterIP      None          <none>           9200/TCP         5m35s
                     service/eck-lab-es-http            LoadBalancer    9200:30749/TCP   5m37s
                     service/eck-lab-es-internal-http   ClusterIP   <none>           9200/TCP         5m37s
                     service/eck-lab-es-transport       ClusterIP      None          <none>           9300/TCP         5m37s
                     service/eck-lab-kb-http            LoadBalancer    5601:30839/TCP   3m45s
                     service/fleet-server-agent-http    LoadBalancer   8220:32000/TCP   106s
                     service/kubernetes                 ClusterIP     <none>           443/TCP          9h

                     NAME                                 DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   NODE SELECTOR   AGE
                     daemonset.apps/elastic-agent-agent   3         3         1       3            1           <none>          82s

                     NAME                                 READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
                     deployment.apps/eck-lab-kb           1/1     1            1           3m44s
                     deployment.apps/fleet-server-agent   1/1     1            1           83s

                     NAME                                            DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
                     replicaset.apps/eck-lab-kb-54598dc788           1         1         1       2m48s
                     replicaset.apps/eck-lab-kb-7448c789db           0         0         0       3m44s
                     replicaset.apps/eck-lab-kb-c86874f64            0         0         0       3m14s
                     replicaset.apps/fleet-server-agent-74c97f66cf   1         1         1       74s
                     replicaset.apps/fleet-server-agent-fbdd85dc9    0         0         0       83s

                     NAME                                  READY   AGE
                     statefulset.apps/eck-lab-es-default   3/3     5m35s

eck-lab elastic password: l1AHAJHgFk278GkZz053484N
eck-lab elasticsearch endpoint:
eck-lab kibana endpoint:
eck-lab Fleet Server endpoint:

[SUMMARY] ca.crt is located in /Users/jlim/elastick8s/ca.crt

[NOTE] If you missed the summary its also in /Users/jlim/elastick8s/notes
[NOTE] You can start logging into kibana but please give things few minutes for proper startup and letting components settle down.


ECK operator upgrade

Upgrading the operator is fairly simple, and depending on what version you are upgrading from the steps will be different. Also depending on how the operator is updated it can cause a rolling restart of your managed resources. There are ways to avoid the the rolling restart. I will not include the ECK operator upgrade since you can run multiple versions of the stack under various versions of the operator and the documentation is very good and covers everything you need to upgrade the operator.

elasticsearch upgrade

BIG thanks for the eck operator, upgrading the stack is very easy.

From my deploy-elastick8s.sh script, our elasticsearch is deployed as eck-lab

> kubectl get elasticsearch
eck-lab   green    3       8.6.2     Ready   49m

To upgrade you can do something as simple as:

  • kubectl edit elasticsearch eck-laband look for version under spec and change the version from 8.6.2 to 8.7.0
  • kubectl patch elasticsearch eck-lab --type='json' -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/version", "value": "8.7.0"}]' - one liner instead.

Once this is done ECK will start a rolling upgrade of your nodes one by one to take down one instance and add a new 8.7.0 instance until all the nodes have been updated.

I've saved the events from this change and it is listed below

default          8m28s       Normal    Killing                   pod/eck-lab-es-default-2                                        Stopping container elasticsearch
default          7m36s       Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-2                                        Readiness probe failed: {"timestamp": "2023-05-04T03:12:14+00:00", "message": "readiness probe failed", "curl_rc": "7"}
default          7m34s       Normal    Scheduled                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-2                                        Successfully assigned default/eck-lab-es-default-2 to gke-justinlim-gke-default-pool-cf9a16c4-236w
default          7m25s       Normal    Pulled                    pod/eck-lab-es-default-2                                        Container image "docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:8.7.0" already present on machine
default          7m25s       Normal    Created                   pod/eck-lab-es-default-2                                        Created container elastic-internal-init-filesystem
default          7m25s       Normal    Started                   pod/eck-lab-es-default-2                                        Started container elastic-internal-init-filesystem
default          7m23s       Normal    Pulled                    pod/eck-lab-es-default-2                                        Container image "docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:8.7.0" already present on machine
default          7m23s       Normal    Created                   pod/eck-lab-es-default-2                                        Created container elastic-internal-suspend
default          7m23s       Normal    Started                   pod/eck-lab-es-default-2                                        Started container elastic-internal-suspend
default          7m22s       Normal    Started                   pod/eck-lab-es-default-2                                        Started container sysctl
default          7m22s       Normal    Created                   pod/eck-lab-es-default-2                                        Created container sysctl
default          7m22s       Normal    Pulled                    pod/eck-lab-es-default-2                                        Container image "docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:8.7.0" already present on machine
default          7m21s       Normal    Started                   pod/eck-lab-es-default-2                                        Started container elasticsearch
default          7m21s       Normal    Created                   pod/eck-lab-es-default-2                                        Created container elasticsearch
default          7m21s       Normal    Pulled                    pod/eck-lab-es-default-2                                        Container image "docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:8.7.0" already present on machine
default          7m9s        Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-2                                        Readiness probe failed: {"timestamp": "2023-05-04T03:12:41+00:00", "message": "readiness probe failed", "curl_rc": "7"}
default          7m4s        Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-2                                        Readiness probe failed: {"timestamp": "2023-05-04T03:12:46+00:00", "message": "readiness probe failed", "curl_rc": "7"}
default          7m          Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-2                                        Readiness probe failed: {"timestamp": "2023-05-04T03:12:50+00:00", "message": "readiness probe failed", "curl_rc": "7"}
default          6m55s       Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-2                                        Readiness probe failed: {"timestamp": "2023-05-04T03:12:55+00:00", "message": "readiness probe failed", "curl_rc": "7"}
default          6m50s       Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-2                                        Readiness probe failed: {"timestamp": "2023-05-04T03:13:00+00:00", "message": "readiness probe failed", "curl_rc": "7"}
default          6m45s       Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-2                                        Readiness probe failed: {"timestamp": "2023-05-04T03:13:05+00:00", "message": "readiness probe failed", "curl_rc": "7"}
default          6m40s       Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-2                                        Readiness probe failed: {"timestamp": "2023-05-04T03:13:10+00:00", "message": "readiness probe failed", "curl_rc": "7"}
default          6m35s       Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-2                                        Readiness probe failed: {"timestamp": "2023-05-04T03:13:15+00:00", "message": "readiness probe failed", "curl_rc": "7"}
default          6m30s       Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-2                                        Readiness probe failed: {"timestamp": "2023-05-04T03:13:20+00:00", "message": "readiness probe failed", "curl_rc": "7"}
default          6m15s       Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-2                                        (combined from similar events): Readiness probe failed: {"timestamp": "2023-05-04T03:13:35+00:00", "message": "readiness probe failed", "curl_rc": "7"}
default          5m31s       Normal    Killing                   pod/eck-lab-es-default-1                                        Stopping container elasticsearch
default          4m37s       Normal    Scheduled                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-1                                        Successfully assigned default/eck-lab-es-default-1 to gke-justinlim-gke-default-pool-17909339-47v3
default          4m28s       Normal    SuccessfulAttachVolume    pod/eck-lab-es-default-1                                        AttachVolume.Attach succeeded for volume "pvc-7b0dcb2a-5729-4023-89f1-61b25dcb6def"
default          4m25s       Normal    Started                   pod/eck-lab-es-default-1                                        Started container elastic-internal-init-filesystem
default          4m25s       Normal    Created                   pod/eck-lab-es-default-1                                        Created container elastic-internal-init-filesystem
default          4m26s       Normal    Pulled                    pod/eck-lab-es-default-1                                        Container image "docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:8.7.0" already present on machine
default          4m23s       Normal    Created                   pod/eck-lab-es-default-1                                        Created container elastic-internal-suspend
default          4m23s       Normal    Started                   pod/eck-lab-es-default-1                                        Started container elastic-internal-suspend
default          4m23s       Normal    Pulled                    pod/eck-lab-es-default-1                                        Container image "docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:8.7.0" already present on machine
default          4m22s       Normal    Pulled                    pod/eck-lab-es-default-1                                        Container image "docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:8.7.0" already present on machine
default          4m22s       Normal    Created                   pod/eck-lab-es-default-1                                        Created container sysctl
default          4m22s       Normal    Started                   pod/eck-lab-es-default-1                                        Started container sysctl
default          4m21s       Normal    Started                   pod/eck-lab-es-default-1                                        Started container elasticsearch
default          4m21s       Normal    Created                   pod/eck-lab-es-default-1                                        Created container elasticsearch
default          4m21s       Normal    Pulled                    pod/eck-lab-es-default-1                                        Container image "docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:8.7.0" already present on machine
default          4m10s       Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-1                                        Readiness probe failed: {"timestamp": "2023-05-04T03:15:40+00:00", "message": "readiness probe failed", "curl_rc": "7"}
default          4m5s        Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-1                                        Readiness probe failed: {"timestamp": "2023-05-04T03:15:45+00:00", "message": "readiness probe failed", "curl_rc": "7"}
default          4m1s        Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-1                                        Readiness probe failed: {"timestamp": "2023-05-04T03:15:49+00:00", "message": "readiness probe failed", "curl_rc": "7"}
default          3m56s       Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-1                                        Readiness probe failed: {"timestamp": "2023-05-04T03:15:54+00:00", "message": "readiness probe failed", "curl_rc": "7"}
default          3m51s       Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-1                                        Readiness probe failed: {"timestamp": "2023-05-04T03:15:59+00:00", "message": "readiness probe failed", "curl_rc": "7"}
default          3m46s       Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-1                                        Readiness probe failed: {"timestamp": "2023-05-04T03:16:04+00:00", "message": "readiness probe failed", "curl_rc": "7"}
default          3m41s       Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-1                                        Readiness probe failed: {"timestamp": "2023-05-04T03:16:09+00:00", "message": "readiness probe failed", "curl_rc": "7"}
default          3m36s       Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-1                                        Readiness probe failed: {"timestamp": "2023-05-04T03:16:14+00:00", "message": "readiness probe failed", "curl_rc": "7"}
default          3m30s       Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-1                                        Readiness probe failed: {"timestamp": "2023-05-04T03:16:20+00:00", "message": "readiness probe failed", "curl_rc": "7"}
default          3m15s       Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-1                                        (combined from similar events): Readiness probe failed: {"timestamp": "2023-05-04T03:16:35+00:00", "message": "readiness probe failed", "curl_rc": "7"}
default          97s         Normal    Killing                   pod/eck-lab-es-default-0                                        Stopping container elasticsearch
default          97s         Normal    Scheduled                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-0                                        Successfully assigned default/eck-lab-es-default-0 to gke-justinlim-gke-default-pool-48cb1188-bl29
default          89s         Normal    Created                   pod/eck-lab-es-default-0                                        Created container elastic-internal-init-filesystem
default          89s         Normal    Pulled                    pod/eck-lab-es-default-0                                        Container image "docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:8.7.0" already present on machine
default          88s         Normal    Started                   pod/eck-lab-es-default-0                                        Started container elastic-internal-init-filesystem
default          85s         Normal    Started                   pod/eck-lab-es-default-0                                        Started container elastic-internal-suspend
default          85s         Normal    Created                   pod/eck-lab-es-default-0                                        Created container elastic-internal-suspend
default          85s         Normal    Pulled                    pod/eck-lab-es-default-0                                        Container image "docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:8.7.0" already present on machine
default          84s         Normal    Pulled                    pod/eck-lab-es-default-0                                        Container image "docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:8.7.0" already present on machine
default          84s         Normal    Created                   pod/eck-lab-es-default-0                                        Created container sysctl
default          84s         Normal    Started                   pod/eck-lab-es-default-0                                        Started container sysctl
default          83s         Normal    Pulled                    pod/eck-lab-es-default-0                                        Container image "docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:8.7.0" already present on machine
default          83s         Normal    Created                   pod/eck-lab-es-default-0                                        Created container elasticsearch
default          83s         Normal    Started                   pod/eck-lab-es-default-0                                        Started container elasticsearch
default          68s         Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-0                                        Readiness probe failed: {"timestamp": "2023-05-04T03:18:42+00:00", "message": "readiness probe failed", "curl_rc": "7"}
default          64s         Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-0                                        Readiness probe failed: {"timestamp": "2023-05-04T03:18:46+00:00", "message": "readiness probe failed", "curl_rc": "7"}
default          59s         Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-0                                        Readiness probe failed: {"timestamp": "2023-05-04T03:18:51+00:00", "message": "readiness probe failed", "curl_rc": "7"}
default          54s         Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-0                                        Readiness probe failed: {"timestamp": "2023-05-04T03:18:56+00:00", "message": "readiness probe failed", "curl_rc": "7"}
default          49s         Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-0                                        Readiness probe failed: {"timestamp": "2023-05-04T03:19:01+00:00", "message": "readiness probe failed", "curl_rc": "7"}
default          44s         Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-0                                        Readiness probe failed: {"timestamp": "2023-05-04T03:19:06+00:00", "message": "readiness probe failed", "curl_rc": "7"}
default          39s         Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-0                                        Readiness probe failed: {"timestamp": "2023-05-04T03:19:11+00:00", "message": "readiness probe failed", "curl_rc": "7"}
default          34s         Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-0                                        Readiness probe failed: {"timestamp": "2023-05-04T03:19:16+00:00", "message": "readiness probe failed", "curl_rc": "7"}
default          29s         Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-0                                        Readiness probe failed: {"timestamp": "2023-05-04T03:19:21+00:00", "message": "readiness probe failed", "curl_rc": "7"}
default          24s         Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-es-default-0                                        (combined from similar events): Readiness probe failed: {"timestamp": "2023-05-04T03:19:26+00:00", "message": "readiness probe failed", "curl_rc": "7"}

Also during the upgrade you can run something like
GET /_cat/nodes?v=true&h=id,ip,port,v,m to see the changes

id   ip           port v     m
l8Jx 9300 8.6.2 -
SToa 9300 8.6.2 *

id   ip           port v     m
Ae_H 9300 8.7.0 -
l8Jx 9300 8.6.2 -
SToa 9300 8.6.2 *

id   ip           port v     m
Ae_H 9300 8.7.0 -
l8Jx 9300 8.6.2 *
SToa 9300 8.7.0 -

id   ip           port v     m
l8Jx 9300 8.7.0 -
SToa 9300 8.7.0 *
Ae_H 9300 8.7.0 -
> kubectl get elasticsearch
eck-lab   green    3       8.7.0     Ready   77m

kibana upgrade

Kibana upgrade is just as simple as elasticsearch:

To upgrade you can do something as simple as:

  • kubectl edit kibana eck-laband look for version under spec and change the version from 8.6.2 to 8.7.0
  • kubectl patch kibana eck-lab --type='json' -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/version", "value": "8.7.0"}]' - one liner.

Kibana upgrade will scale down the existing kibana to 0 instances then create a new replica set and set the # of replicas to what you had originally.


Events from this change is listed below:

0s          Normal    ScalingReplicaSet         deployment/eck-lab-kb                                           Scaled down replica set eck-lab-kb-54598dc788 to 0
0s          Normal    Killing                   pod/eck-lab-kb-54598dc788-2ckzp                                 Stopping container kibana
0s          Normal    SuccessfulDelete          replicaset/eck-lab-kb-54598dc788                                Deleted pod: eck-lab-kb-54598dc788-2ckzp
0s          Warning   Unhealthy                 kibana/eck-lab                                                  Kibana health degraded
0s          Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-kb-54598dc788-2ckzp                                 Readiness probe failed: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
0s          Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-kb-54598dc788-2ckzp                                 Readiness probe failed: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
0s          Normal    ScalingReplicaSet         deployment/eck-lab-kb                                           Scaled up replica set eck-lab-kb-7547c87cc5 to 1
0s          Normal    Scheduled                 pod/eck-lab-kb-7547c87cc5-xvsj8                                 Successfully assigned default/eck-lab-kb-7547c87cc5-xvsj8 to gke-justinlim-gke-default-pool-cf9a16c4-236w
0s          Normal    SuccessfulCreate          replicaset/eck-lab-kb-7547c87cc5                                Created pod: eck-lab-kb-7547c87cc5-xvsj8
0s          Warning   Delayed                   agent/fleet-server                                              Delaying deployment of Elastic Agent in Fleet Mode as Kibana is not available yet
0s          Warning   Delayed                   agent/elastic-agent                                             Delaying deployment of Elastic Agent in Fleet Mode as Kibana is not available yet
0s          Warning   Delayed                   agent/elastic-agent                                             Delaying deployment of Elastic Agent in Fleet Mode as Kibana is not available yet
0s          Warning   Delayed                   agent/fleet-server                                              Delaying deployment of Elastic Agent in Fleet Mode as Kibana is not available yet
0s          Warning   Delayed                   agent/elastic-agent                                             Delaying deployment of Elastic Agent in Fleet Mode as Kibana is not available yet
0s          Warning   Delayed                   agent/elastic-agent                                             Delaying deployment of Elastic Agent in Fleet Mode as Kibana is not available yet
0s          Warning   Delayed                   agent/fleet-server                                              Delaying deployment of Elastic Agent in Fleet Mode as Kibana is not available yet
0s          Warning   Delayed                   agent/elastic-agent                                             Delaying deployment of Elastic Agent in Fleet Mode as Kibana is not available yet
0s          Warning   Delayed                   agent/fleet-server                                              Delaying deployment of Elastic Agent in Fleet Mode as Kibana is not available yet
0s          Warning   Delayed                   agent/elastic-agent                                             Delaying deployment of Elastic Agent in Fleet Mode as Kibana is not available yet
0s          Warning   Delayed                   agent/elastic-agent                                             Delaying deployment of Elastic Agent in Fleet Mode as Kibana is not available yet
0s          Normal    Pulled                    pod/eck-lab-kb-7547c87cc5-xvsj8                                 Container image "docker.elastic.co/kibana/kibana:8.7.0" already present on machine
0s          Normal    Created                   pod/eck-lab-kb-7547c87cc5-xvsj8                                 Created container elastic-internal-init-config
0s          Normal    Started                   pod/eck-lab-kb-7547c87cc5-xvsj8                                 Started container elastic-internal-init-config
0s          Warning   Delayed                   agent/elastic-agent                                             Delaying deployment of Elastic Agent in Fleet Mode as Kibana is not available yet
0s          Warning   Delayed                   agent/elastic-agent                                             Delaying deployment of Elastic Agent in Fleet Mode as Kibana is not available yet
0s          Normal    Pulled                    pod/eck-lab-kb-7547c87cc5-xvsj8                                 Container image "docker.elastic.co/kibana/kibana:8.7.0" already present on machine
0s          Normal    Created                   pod/eck-lab-kb-7547c87cc5-xvsj8                                 Created container kibana
0s          Normal    Started                   pod/eck-lab-kb-7547c87cc5-xvsj8                                 Started container kibana
0s          Warning   Delayed                   agent/elastic-agent                                             Delaying deployment of Elastic Agent in Fleet Mode as Kibana is not available yet
0s          Warning   Delayed                   agent/elastic-agent                                             Delaying deployment of Elastic Agent in Fleet Mode as Kibana is not available yet
0s          Warning   Delayed                   agent/elastic-agent                                             Delaying deployment of Elastic Agent in Fleet Mode as Kibana is not available yet
0s          Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-kb-7547c87cc5-xvsj8                                 Readiness probe failed: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
0s          Warning   Delayed                   agent/elastic-agent                                             Delaying deployment of Elastic Agent in Fleet Mode as Kibana is not available yet
0s          Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-kb-7547c87cc5-xvsj8                                 Readiness probe failed: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
0s          Warning   ReconciliationError       agent/elastic-agent                                             Reconciliation error: failed to request https://eck-lab-kb-http.default.svc:5601/api/fleet/agent_policies?perPage=20&page=1, status is 503)
0s          Warning   Unhealthy                 pod/eck-lab-kb-7547c87cc5-xvsj8                                 Readiness probe failed: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
0s          Warning   Unhealthy                 elasticsearch/eck-lab                                           Elasticsearch cluster health degraded
> kubectl get kibana
eck-lab   green    1       8.7.0     75m

fleet-server upgrade

Normally if your fleet server is a stand alone then you can use the upgrade button, however if your fleet-server or elastic-agents are powered by k8s(running in k8s environment) then you wouldnt be able to upgrade the agent via the fleet UI

So you will need to perform the same type of change as you did with your elasticsearch and kibana. fleet-server is installed as Agent type which is a resource created by ECK.

> kubectl get agents
elastic-agent   green    3           3          8.6.2     72m
fleet-server    green    1           1          8.6.2     72m

To upgrade you can do something as simple as:

  • kubectl edit agents fleet-serverand look for version under spec and change the version from 8.6.2 to 8.7.0
  • kubectl patch agents fleet-server --type='json' -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/version", "value": "8.7.0"}]' - one liner.

fleet-server upgrade will create a new replicaSet and scale it to the # of instances specified then scale down the old replicaSet to 0.

> kubectl get agents fleet-server
fleet-server   green    1           1          8.7.0     75m

elastic-agent upgrade

The same is true for elastic-agents. If its powered by k8s then you can not upgrade via the fleet UI

So you will need to perform the same type of upgrade.

To upgrade you can do something as simple as:

  • kubectl edit agents elastic-agentand look for version under spec and change the version from 8.6.2 to 8.7.0
  • kubectl patch agents elastic-agent --type='json' -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/version", "value": "8.7.0"}]' - one liner.

elastic-agent upgrades will create new pods in the DaemonSet and take down the old.


The old fleet server and elastic-agents will still show but will change to Offline. You can manually remove these or goto the Agent policies and change the Inactivity timeout to have it removed automatically after the time set


Hope this helps! and good luck on your upgrades. Always remember to have backups before making changes to your environment and always test things out in dev/testing before performing it on prod.


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